Do you also face breathing difficulties in cold weather? Here is the answer and solution to all your cold air and asthma problems.
Winter is the time for hot coffees and cozy blankets. But winters are not limited to the good times. Because cold air and asthma cause various problems in everyone’s life. The chills of the cold air increase the winter pollution level as it traps more pollutants and results in poor air quality. Moreover, the cold air also results in many allergic cases. Thus, winter can be a tough time for your lungs.
Asthma is a chronic lung disease that affects breathing function and results in various problems. Day by day asthma cases are increasing due to many reasons. The main problem is air pollution. Because many pollutants in the air cause inflammation in the lungs and trigger asthma.
According to WHO, asthma has affected 262 million people in 2019 globally.
But don’t worry because here is the air pollution solution for asthma. You can easily beat winter air pollution and the chances of asthma. Here are the practical solutions for asthma and allergy sufferers.
Cold air + air pollution = asthma and allergies
Winters and air pollution is a serious condition and the major factor is the temperature itself. Because many activities increase, that results in high emission, and cold weather traps these pollutants closer to the ground. Temperature inversion is the sole reason for trapping various harmful particles. High levels of air pollutants at the ground level lead to prolonged exposure to air pollution. Air pollution causes asthma, allergies, and various health conditions. Here we are focusing on Asthma and how air pollution triggers asthma patients and attacks.
Asthma has taken around 4,55,000 lives in 2019 according to WHO. According to a study by NIH, winters and weather conditions have increased asthma emergency department visits in hospitals by 1.25-fold.

What are my chances of developing Asthma this winter?
Anyone can face asthma due to various reasons such as cold air. Many factors are responsible for making a healthy person asthmatic. However, most children and adults have high risks of developing asthma conditions. The condition happens as various factors trigger lung inflammation. Narrowing of airways and breathing difficulties develop asthma chances.
Air pollution is one of the major reasons for asthma in a healthy person.
Now your question is what are your chances of developing asthma this winter?
Developing asthma is unpredictable, as anyone can randomly face the problem. Moreover, the reason for an increase in asthma is unknown as various situations trigger the condition. Still, your chances are higher if you face seasonal allergies often. Here are some points to consider knowing your chances of developing asthma due to cold air:
Living in highly polluted areas:

A study by NIH shows that air pollution increases the global incidence of asthma in children by 13%. Long-term exposure to harmful pollutants like NO2, PM2.5, Ozone, etc can cause lungs and airway inflammation. It can increase your chance of developing asthma. Air pollution asthma can become worse during winter. Know the air quality of your area to check your chances of facing asthma.
Previous allergy records:

Cold air also results in several allergies, as cold cough cases rise in winter. Moreover, any person with previous problems like rhinitis or other allergies has a high chance of facing asthma.
How can I save myself from developing asthma or similar conditions?
Developing asthma or alike conditions depends on various factors. But these chances increase during winter. Cold air and asthma have different effects on everyone. For instance, children and adults are at high risk of facing more problems. The best solution for asthma during winter is a way to manage your conditions. Here are some air pollution solutions for Asthma:
1: For People with Asthma

Asthmatic people should take proper precautions and care during the winter. As cold air and asthma are rivals, they can worsen your health and lead to severe problems.
- Avoid outdoor:
Try to stay inside in cold conditions and keep yourself covered and warm. Also, keep your indoor spaces free from harmful pollutants. For this, install indoor air purifiers as the utmost solution for clean air.
- Check Air quality index:
Regularly check the AQI levels of your area to know what is the current status of the air you are breathing! Try to stay inside and cover yourself at high pollution levels. Also, follow the suggestions of your doctor.
- Proper medication:
Try to follow your doctor’s suggestion to follow a healthy lifestyle and for hydration. Do not miss any prescription for your asthma. Keep your inhaler always on site and use it properly to avoid breathing difficulties.
2: People in highly polluted areas

Long and short-term exposure to winter air pollution can affect a healthy person’s health. Protecting yourself against cold air and asthma is crucial, so focus on these points this winter:
- Know your air quality:
Make any plan or decision after knowing the air quality of your area. Try to use an N95 mask during high pollution levels when stepping out. Follow suggestions from your website or app.
- Get Fresh Air:
Ventilate your home or office during sunlight as in the daytime to remove indoor pollutants. Breathe fresh air and avoid polluted areas or get an air purifier inside your house for clean air.
- Use green methods:
Plant more indoor plants or spend 1 to 2 hours in sunny time to avoid cold air and pollution.
3: Children and Old-age

Cold air and asthma can highly affect children and older people. They require proper care and attention for happy and healthy winters. Here are some points to consider:
- Save them from exposure:
Keep the air clean and fresh around them with air purifiers and masks. Check the air quality of your area and limit their outdoor exposure.
- Healthy diet and hydration:
Make their food more with essential nutrients and vitamins to boost their immunity. Some superfoods like ginger, and turmeric work as antioxidants in your body. With it, drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.
- Protect from cold air:
Cold air can block airways thus keeping your babies and grandparents warm can help. Use more clothes for layering up to keep them warm.
Let’s live your winters happily and healthily:
Cold air and asthma can be problematic issues this winter but with the right steps enjoy your winters with festivities and snow. Monitor your indoor and outdoor air quality to avoid air pollution exposure. Protect your lungs and breathe clean and fresh air for healthy living.