air icon Air

Air is an invisible mixture of various gases. It exists naturally in our environment.
Oxygen is one of the various gases present in the air that we breathe. Furthermore, various gases present in air causes air pollution. 

what is air pollution and causes


What is Air Pollution?


Air pollution happens when gases, dust, dirt, pollen, soot, viruses, etc. contaminate the air making it unclean, unhealthy, and toxic to breathe. The amount of air pollution present in the air determines its effects on humans, animals, plants, and the entire ecosystem. Hence, the amount of pollution in the air affects the level of harm it poses to humans, animals, and plants.

Some common but extremely dangerous air
contaminants are


01 Particulate Matter

Small breathable dust particles and liquid droplets suspended in the air. And it can easily enter deep into the lungs.

pm1 parameter
pm2.5 parameter
pm10 parameter

02 Harmful Gases

There are numerous gases in the air. But they become harmful when they exceed their desired limits.
Some examples are Nitrogen Dioxide, Sulphur Dioxide, Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Carbon Monoxide, etc.

no2 icon
so2 parameter
co2 parameter
co parameter
ch4 parameter

There are two types of Air Pollution



01 Indoor Air Pollution

According to the WHO, when dust, gases, and allergens contaminate the air in indoor spaces like homes, offices, schools, etc. it is known as indoor air pollution. Indoor air can be 10 times worse than outdoors. Because these pollutants are trapped in closed spaces and cannot move freely.


indoor air pollution




02 Outdoor Air Pollution

Outdoor air pollution occurs when dangerous air pollutants contaminate the air outdoors. This can happen due to natural events. Such as forest burning and volcanic eruptions or due to human activities such as garbage burning, etc.


outdoor air pollution sources

According to the UN health organization air pollution exposure caused an estimated 1.1 million deaths in India in 2016 among people of all ages.

You must have read or heard somewhere that pollution levels are high or low.
But what exactly does that mean?

High levels of air pollution indicate that the air is heavily contaminated. Thus, it can hurt people more severely. Low air pollution levels imply few health risks. But How do we determine if air pollution is high or low? By calculating the average air pollution concentration over a standard time, we can determine the quality of the air. It is divided into six categories depending upon the level of harm they can do and this index is known as the Air Quality Index (AQI). Hence, we can determine the quality of the air around us with the use of this index. For example, an AQI value of 45 is considered good but AQI levels above 300 represent hazardous air quality.

aqi air quality index mobile app

Where does air pollution come from?

Cooking, tobacco smoke, burning fuels and kerosene, mold, air fresheners, nail polish removers, pet dander, and many more. When there is no circulation of air and indoor air is trapped inside, CO2 levels will rise.

tobacco smoke
Tobacco smoke

Cigarette smoking is not only injurious to the person who is smoking. But it is equally injurious to people indoors who inhale second-hand smoke.

Burning Fuels & Kerosene
Burning Fuels & Kerosene

Incomplete combustion of fuels in various home appliances such as stoves, furnaces, etc. release CO and PM.

Air fresheners
Air fresheners

Air fresheners and cleaning agents are a potential source of VOCs. If used in excess amounts, they can cause headaches, nausea, etc.

cooking fumes
Cooing Fumes

Cooking activities can emit various air pollutants. Humidity levels inside the home can increase when more water is used in cooking.

pet dander
Pet Dander

This acts as a stressor for respiratory disorders as well as a trigger for asthma attacks. Therefore, animal contact must be reduced as much as possible

Photocopiers and printers
Photocopiers & Printers

These are O3 emitters in a home or office setting. Ozone levels, when exceeding the limits can cause various health effects.

Vehicles, factories, garbage burning, dust, power plants, construction and demolition activities, oil refineries, emissions from aircraft and planes, wildfires, volcanic eruptions, etc.

power plan
Power Plant

Industries and power plants are the main source of air pollution sources outdoors. Emissions from power plants cause photochemical smog.

Garbage Burning
Garbage Burning

Emissions from burning garbage produce various toxic gases and air pollutants such as CO, CO2, NO2, Smoke, dust, etc.

C&D activities
C&D activities

Waste generated at construction and destruction activities substantially increase PM2.5 and PM10 levels in the air, hence in the nearby areas. 

Unpaved roads
Unpaved roads

Unpaved roads emit particulate matter, PM pollution (PM2.5, PM10), dust, and debris. Hence, it can increase the overall PM levels of that area.

Oil refineries & brick kilns
Oil refineries & brick kilns

Pre-processing and processing of oil and bricks emit various pollutants including toxic metals, particulates, toxic gases like methane, etc.

Wildfires and Volcanic eruptions
Wildfires & Volcanic eruptions

These are natural sources of outdoor air pollution. Because they emit carbon monoxide, black carbon, etc. which
is injurious to wildlife as well.

Health Impacts By Air Pollution

Headaches, dizziness, nausea

Difficulty in breathing, Sweating

Irritation in the eyes, nose, and throat

health impacts by air pollution

Worsen asthma & respiratory diseases

Damages to the lungs and kidney


How you can effectively
reduce air pollution

Adopt these simple yet effective tips and play your part in improving air quality.

Indoor Solutions

air pollution by smokingControl indoor air pollution sources

Actively identify and eliminate sources of indoor air pollution, such as cleaning agents, aerosol sprays, tobacco smoke, etc.

Improve ventilation

Improve ventilation

Trapped spaces can feel stuffy and stale. Hence, good ventilation is a major factor when it comes to improving indoor air quality

humidity level

Monitor your humidity levels

Excess moisture will promote mold and mildew growth and increases the chances of viral infections. Germ dispersion is easy in low humidity.

Keep your indoor spaces clean

Keep your indoor spaces clean

Keeping your indoor spaces clean will help in reducing episodes of allergies build-up on certain surfaces indoors.

Outdoor Solutions

reduce emissionsReduce Emissions

Walk or ride. Avoid cars or bikes for short distances. Encourage usage of public transport, carpooling, biking, and support initiatives such as e-vehicles.

Avoid the burning of waste

Avoid Waste Burning

Avoid the burning of waste and garbage in the open and adopt proper garbage disposal methods. Because open burning can release pollutants into the air.

plant more trees

Plant more trees

Planting more trees will assist in the natural filtration of air pollutants. This will further help in reducing the overall air pollution levels in the air.

Support clean air initiatives

Support clean air initiatives

Participate in local clean air programs. As to offer your support to groups that work to improve outdoor air quality.

Encourage your family and friends to adopt these tips to reduce air pollution and the health effects
that people face when exposed to air pollution.


Choose Your Air Quality Monitor To
Measure Air Pollution

prana air caaqms outdoor monitor