Do you know air pollution is not only limited to causing lung or heart issues? Because it is also causing problems in a person’s mental health. Yes, long or short-term exposure to air pollution leads to various psychological issues. Air pollution can cause depression, anxiety, sadness and even some extreme conditions. Depression is highly affecting people of different ages.
Depression is a concerning issue that is affecting many people’s lives. And air pollution is a growing concern worldwide that taking the lives of many people. It consists of various harmful substances like PM (Particle Matter), Nitrogen dioxide (NO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone (O3) etc. The main wrongdoer pollutant is PM2.5 because it enters the bloodstream. As a result, it damages many organs by interrupting the normal function and causing inflammation.
Many reports have found that people breathing in higher pollution areas have poor brain functions. This leads to a high risk of developing anxiety and depression. Here in the blog, you can explore how air pollution causes depression or other psychological conditions. With it, you can know how to manage the issues of air pollution and depression.
How air pollution can cause Depression?
Air pollution is not merely affecting the heart’s or lungs’ health because now many studies have revealed that it is concerning mental health conditions. Various pollutants are emitted from several sources including vehicle emissions, industrial activities and fossil fuel burning. But how these pollutants can cause depression? Here is the answer!
Air pollution particularly PM2.5 can easily enter the bloodstream and reach other organs. Hence, it affects the blood’s ability to carry oxygen to the brain. Thus, brain function can affect and cause many issues including depression. Causing inflammation in the brain with insufficient oxygen leads to many conditions. It affects the chances of decision-making during any activity. Hence, it creates many problems for students and employees to concentrate.
This is how air pollution can cause depression:
1. Inflammation and stress to the brain:

PM2.5 exposure leads to a reduction of oxygen delivery to the brain. As a result, it causes swelling or damage to the brain. High inflammation and oxidative stress in the brain can lead to neuronal damage. It increases the depression risks.
2. Chemical imbalance:

Air pollutants can disrupt the chemical reactions in the body. Brain chemicals like serotonin and dopamine function as mood regulators. These can be impacted because of various air pollutants. To emphasize this, research from the Journal of Affective Disorders indicates the connection between air pollution and depression. It shows that a high level exposure of to nitrogen dioxide (NO2) can impact the serotonin levels and cause depression symptoms.
3. Stress response:

Air pollutant exposure can dysregulate the stress response system of the body. High level of PM2.5 and PM10 increases the cortisol levels of the body. If the cortisol increases in the body, it increases the stress hormone that can cause depression.
Who are at the Risk of depression due to air pollution?

1. Children and Teens:
The developing brains of children and adolescents are significantly sensitive. Because of this, high air pollution exposure impacts the development of the brain. Hence, they have a high risk of developing depression and anxiety.
2. Older groups:
At an older age, adults already face many health issues or are at a greater risk of developing any condition. Additionally, air pollution can trigger their existing health conditions that can result in other problems. Hence, air pollution exposure in adults can cause depression in the old age.
3. Low-Income Communities:
These communities often face higher pollution levels due to many reasons. These countries’ population also contributes in the less resources. Hence, it results in exacerbating the problem of air pollution and affected mental health.
8.7% of individuals with incomes below the poverty level report experiencing severe psychological distress.
Source: ADAA
How to Mitigate the Impact of air pollution?
Air pollution can cause vulnerable mental conditions thus mitigation plans and strategies are necessary. It is as follows:
1. Policies:
Air quality standards by governments and strict enforcement can improve air quality. For this, targeting the pollution emissions as industries and vehicular sources can help. It can include policies or guidelines by several authorities to work on air pollution control.
2. Monitoring air quality:

Individually, you can see the air pollution around or near you. Make the right decision by checking the air quality. For it, you can use the air quality monitors that are available at affordable rates for accurate data. Besides, you can check air quality around with the help of authorized data available online.
3. Investing in air purifiers:

Air purifiers are the best new options to breathe clean and fresh air. Nowadays, advanced technologies make it more user-friendly and convenient for everyone. It can become the right solution for cleaning your indoor air. It helps in increasing concentration and reduces the chances of depression.
4. Urban planning:
Green space development can help in reducing air pollution and its adverse effects. With it, choosing public transportation can help improve the air quality around you. Additionally, public awareness of air quality can cause depression and can educate communities.
Air pollution can cause depression that requires immediate recognition and solutions. As the growth and physical health depends on our mental health. But daily new records of air pollution are increasing the cases of depression and other mental health issues. Thus, addressing the problem is necessary to mitigate the effects and promote a healthier society for a better future.