Clean air is a must for a healthy environment. Have you ever wondered if you feel clear and fresh air after a rainfall? Well, it happens. Because the rain can purify polluted air. Let us know more about how rainfall purifies polluted air! With it, you can also learn various points concerning air quality and rainfall!
What is Rainfall?
Rainfall is a vital part of precipitation. It is also essential for the water cycle of the earth. These are the water droplets that fall to the ground. It is caused by the process of condensation and precipitation. With it, rainfall has several types, such as convectional, orographic, frontal etc. Rain and various forms of precipitation aid in air purification.
Types of precipitations:

Rainfall is the foremost effective way to clean the air. As the raindrops fall in the atmosphere. Hence, it helps clean the air by capturing dust, pollen, sulfur dioxide, and other particles. The process is also known as wet deposition. Moreover, rain also washes the pollutants from any surface and reduces various issues and risks.
Snowfall also plays the same role as rain in clearing the air. It also captures various pollutants and brings them to the ground. Snow also reduces ozone formation and helps in improving air quality. Hence, this form of rainfall purifies polluted air likewise.
Hail likewise purifies the air in the form of thunderstorms. It alike captures various particles and gases in the atmosphere. With it, the hailstones can break the contaminants. Effectively, it removes pollutants from the upper region of the atmosphere.
How does rainfall eliminate contaminants in the air?
Particles in the atmosphere come from various sources, such as vehicle emissions, industries and other natural sources. These cause various health effects because of inhaling. Air pollutants such as particulate matter 2.5, PM 10, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and others are common outdoor pollutants.
These pollutants lead to numerous health issues. These increase the risk of heart attacks, asthma, bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

How do thunderstorms and lightning help to purify the air?
Do you know thunderstorms and lightning also help in air purifying? Most certainly, thunderstorms also work like rainfall purifies polluted air. Since the lightning splits the oxygen molecules in the atmosphere and produces ozone. And it can help by breaking the harmful pollutants in the air.
Thunderstorms also remove the airborne particles. Thus, it can wash away various pollutants, pollen, dust etc. It helps in providing clean and fresh air.
Lightning that helps in air purification:
Lightning produces the energy burst that breaks the nitrogen molecules. Nitrogen atoms can combine with oxygen which can form nitrogen oxides. Hence, the rain can wash out these pollutants from the air. With it, lighting also generates negative ions. It helps in neutralizing the positive charge particles. As the pollen, smoke, dust etc for clean air.
Rainfall improves air quality in Delhi February 2024 (Case Study):
Air pollution conditions in January 2024 remain at a high level. It is because of various reasons as the cold temperature in Delhi. Hence, the fog and emission from different sources increases the AQI level. But the sudden downpour in February brings the better days with improved air quality.
The much-needed rain helped in washing the pollutants from the atmosphere. Rainfall in February 2024 acts as a natural cleanser. As you can check as per the data by The first day of the month starts with rain in Delhi. It has set the level for AQI at a poor level. However, it does not stay for long because AQI goes to an unhealthy level in the next three days.
Still, the new changes come with another spell after three days. It decreases the AQI level and is set to the same. According to the data, before rainfall, the PM2.5 level is high. And after the rain, the PM2.5 level decreases in the atmosphere. Hence, it is proved that rainfall is essential for air quality improvement as well.
Though the level is not satisfactory, it improves the air quality and provides relief.
Air quality comparison between periods of rainfall and non-rainfall

What are the Advantages of Clean Air?
The better air quality index is essential for every human, animal and entire ecosystem. Because breathing clean air has various positive impacts.

Health improvement:
Clean air promotes the breathing level of humans and animals. Because clean air is a necessitate for everyone. It improves the overall health of any human being or animal. Clean air quality improves various functions in humans. As it also enhances productivity and performance. And it helps in providing a quality life.
Beneficial for the environment:
Clean air is also beneficial for the entire environment. Because it reduces air pollution and promotes clean air. With it, it also reduces the greenhouse gas emissions that lead to negative impacts on the ecosystem. Clean air is also a must for planet protection and natural resource preservation.
In summary
Rainfall is essential for sustaining life on the earth. As it helps in the water cycle of the earth. Since, it provides water for plants, lakes, and rivers and helps maintain the ecosystem balance. So from next time, rain falling is just not watering, it is also improving the atmosphere by providing clean air.