prana air ndir co2 sensor

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CO2 Sensor
NDIR 1 PPM Resolution

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Carbon Dioxide CO2 Sensor NDIR

With a resolution of 1 PPM and a range of 10,000 PPM, Prana Air CO2 sensor is a non-dispersive infrared NDIR sensor. The system responds quickly and accurately. For the purpose of observing carbon-based gases, these sensors are the most in demand worldwide. Our sensor provides precise and dependable observations that can be applied not just at the consumer level but also in experimental and research settings. A detector, an optical filter, and an infrared source make up the sensor.

Most of us are already familiar with the gas called carbon dioxide. We have heard about the negative impacts of CO2 on pollution, global warming, and health problems. Both significant and hazardous to our environment, it. Monitoring carbon dioxide is the first step to understanding how it affects our environment and health.

What are the unique features

of Prana Air CO2 Sensor?icon

fast response co2 sensor icon

Fast Response

Our carbon dioxide sensors’ quick responses make them suitable for real-time air monitoring. They respond rapidly and precisely.

prana air High Accuracyco2 sensor

High Accuracy

Our sensors’ highly accurate results make them ideal for real-time air monitoring.

Long-term stability co2 sensor icon

Reliable & Durable

The sensor has a potential to operate for up to 10 years and is quite accurate. After installation, there is no need to think about it again.

Energy Efficient co2 carbon dioxide sensor

Manual Calibration

Connect the Zero pin of the sensor to the low level input for manual operation (0V).

carbon dioxide sensor calibration


It doesn’t require maintenance and includes an auto-calibration mechanism with fresh air.

carbon dioxide sensor calibration

Signal output PWM/UART

Connect module’s Vin-GND-RXD-TXD to user’s 5V-GND-TXD-RXD

co2 sensor compact size structure, easy to install icon

Compact Size

For both indoor and outdoor monitoring, the sensor is small enough to fit into any monitor.

co2 sensor Support customization

Customer Support

If any customization is needed, customer support is offered.

Technology Used
Non-dispersive Infrared (NDIR) CO2 Sensor icon

prana air carbon dioxide co2 sensor

How does the CO2 sensor in Prana Air function and determine its concentration?

Our carbon dioxide (CO2) sensors utilise Non-Dispersive Infrared radiation (NDIR) technology. This method is frequently employed to find carbon-based gases in the environment, such CO2. As the CO2 gas reaches the sensor, the CO2 molecules are illuminated by an infrared (IF) source. Some of the 4.26 m wavelength light is absorbed by these molecules. The concentration of carbon dioxide is determined by this absorption, which is directly proportional to the molecules of carbon dioxide. The sensor determines the concentration based on the gas molecules’ ability to absorb light.

Why is it necessary to monitor carbon dioxide gas?

Humans breathe out the gas carbon dioxide as part of their respiration. CO2 concentrations can be significantly higher indoors than they are outdoors as population density and people per square foot increase. The typical CO2 concentration in outdoor air is 400 parts per million, or ppm, and it is now increasing at a rate of 2 ppm annually. This level may rise to up to 2000 ppm indoors due to stuffy environments or inadequate ventilation. Possible adverse effects include fatigue, drowsiness, impaired judgement and decision-making, poor focus, headaches, dizziness, and an increased heart rate. Some of the long-term effects include convulsions, coma, and asphyxia. Monitoring CO2 levels indoors is crucial for this reason.

Monitoring indoor carbon dioxide levels can aid in determining the danger of viral illnesses like coronavirus spreading, according to a study from the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences and the University of Colorado Boulder. Pathogen concentration and exposure period were shown to be related by MIT researchers. Additionally, to lessen the significant negative health effects of carbon dioxide, such as Sick Building Syndrome, decreased productivity, nausea, vertigo, absenteeism, etc.


Prana Air co2 sensor dimensions

Sensor Calibration

The zero-point calibration method is used to calibrate Prana Air sensors. With this technique, the instrument can be measured in a variety of ways. The calibration cycle lasts 96 hours (4 days) and the zero point for sensor calibration is 400 ppm.

CO2 Air Quality Index Scoreicon

good moderate poor co2 level
unhealthy severe hazardous co2 level

Colorless, water-soluble, inflammable, and non-toxic gas is carbon dioxide. The gas is present in nature spontaneously and has an acidic smell. Its value exceeds dry air by 53%. Both indoor and outdoor environments can contain the gas. Carbon dioxide is the main determinant of the quality of indoor air. In nature, gas concentrations are steadily rising. Due to human activities such as deforestation, burning fossil fuels, fuel combustion, the gas is produced when water reacts with carbonate rock, volcanic eruptions, and respiration, which involves the release of carbon dioxide from the body into the environment.

A scientific research of working people found that, along with a control group of workers exposed to CO2 at 550 ppm, 15% of workers were unable to make decisions at 945 ppm, and 50% of workers were unable to do so at 1400 ppm.

prana air co2 sensor upwardview
prana air co2 sensor sideview
Prana Air co2 sensor downwardview

Technical Indicators of CO2 Sensor

Parameter Value
    1. Measurement Range 0 to 10,000 ppm
    2. Type of Sensor NDIR
    3. Resolution 1 ppm (instrumentation dependent)
    4. Accuracy ± 50 ppm ± 5% of reading
    5. Response time 15s (90%)
    6. Working temperature 0℃~50℃
    7. Working humidity 0~95%RH(non-condensing)
    8. Storage temperature -40℃~70℃
    9. Storage humidity 0~95%RH(non-condensing)
    10. Power supply DC 5.0V+5%; ripple wave<50mV
    11. Working current Average≤20mA@1s
    12. Signal output UART_TTL, PWM

Sources Of Carbon Dioxide Gasicon

It is both man-made and naturally available. All aerobic organisms exhale CO2 during the process of respiration.

Natural Sources:

– Carbonate rocks after contact with water react and produce this gas
– Volcanic eruption produces a large amount of CO2
– Occurs in glaciers as it is easily dissolved in water
– Petroleum deposits

Manmade Sources:

– Combustion of fuel by cars, aircraft, or trucks.
– Burning of waste in the open
– Industries that use burning operations
– Smoking

Range PPM What does it say?
250-400 Normal CO2 levels present in the ambient atmosphere
400-1,000 Indoor CO2 levels with a good ventilation rate
1,000-2,000 Tiredness, laziness, and stuffiness in the air
2,000-5,000 Lack of concentration, sleepiness, drowsiness, headaches, increased heart rate, stuffiness in the air, nausea, etc. can be experienced.
5,000 Many countries have occupational exposure (like an eight-hour TWA).
>40,000 Such high levels of exposure can cause acute oxygen shortage, unconsciousness, severe neurological damage, and even death.

CO2 Gas’s Effects on Healthicon 

Find out what harm carbon dioxide gas does to our health.

Due to the fact that it has existed from the beginning of time, CO2 is not a dangerous gas at low quantities. But as a result of human activity, its concentration is steadily rising to alarming proportions. One carbon atom and two oxygen atoms combine to generate carbon dioxide gas. It has no colour and dissolves in water. One of the main greenhouse gases, it slowly and steadily raises the global temperature over many years.

The following health problems or symptoms are brought on by this gas’s presence in the space:

– We occasionally experience sleepiness in a closed space. The most significant cause of it is this gas.

– This gas’s concentration has an adverse effect on our brain function as it rises.

– Anxiety, headache, and perspiration

– Modified mechanisms and brain activity, decreased physical activity

– Difficulty breathing, increased heart rate

– An increase in blood pressure and convulsions

– Headaches, distractions, and confusion

– Raises ambient temperature and contributes to global warming

– Affects plant development and photosynthesis, causing end products that limit plant photosynthesis

– Has a significant impact on climate change

– Has an impact on the global carbon cycle and gets into the food chain

CO2 has such severe negative impacts on human health and the environment that it needs to be managed and exposed to as little as possible. The best technique to determine concentration and start preventive measures is through monitoring.

Preventive actions that can be taken to live a healthy life include:

– Ventilating a space that is closed off is one of the most crucial and straightforward strategies to deal with this toxic gas.

– Changing to an alternative fuel source, such as using electric vehicles in place of combustion engines

– Recycle garbage instead of burning it

– Filtration on chimneys used by industries.

Applications of Prana Air CO2 Sensor icon

Since CO2 is one of the main causes of indoor air pollution, CO2 sensors and their many applications are centred on the requirement to monitor CO2 levels indoors. They should also be extremely accurate and responsive.

Air Filtration Systems

The usage of CO2 sensors in air filtration systems is one of the sensors. A room’s ventilation rate can be accurately determined by the amount of CO2 present. The purification system can introduce fresh air to lower the CO2 levels to normal when they rise above normal levels inside the building.

HVAC Industry

To measure the CO2 content in indoor rooms, return and supply air ducts, and HVAC systems, CO2 gas sensors are utilised. The smart ventilation system can get relay instructions from it.

Research Purposes

Prana Air CO2 sensors are highly accurate, have good resolution, and have a wide measuring range, thus they may be utilised for research. Among its uses are cognitive mapping, robotics, indoor air quality, etc.

Internet of Things (IoT) Devices

The CO2 sensor sends the information it has gathered to IoT software applications.

Landfill Gas Monitoring

CO2 sensors are used to monitor CO2 emissions at a landfill site so that they can be safely removed. It can cause explosions because of trapped gases if ignored.

IAQ Monitors

A step toward better breathing is to keep an eye on the indoor air quality. A crucial element in IAQ monitoring is CO2.

FAQs of CO2 Sensor icon
Frequently Asked Questions

What instruments I can use to monitor the levels of CO2?

Prana Air provides a wide range of instruments to monitor CO2 levels at both consumer and commercial grades. Prana Air products offering CO2 monitoring are like CAIR+ monitor, Sensible and Sensible+ Air Quality Monitor, Squair+ Lite, and Squair+ Pro.

Air Quality Monitor – Highly Accurate PM2.5, CO2, CO, TVOC Sensors

What type of CO2 sensor is this?

It is a high-quality NDIR (Non-Dispersive Infra-Red) CO2 sensor.

How much is the accuracy and the measurement rate of the sensor?

– Measurement rate of Prana Air’s CO2 sensor is 0-10,000 ppm.
– Accuracy is ± 200 ppm ± 2%.

What is the response time, working temperature, and working humidity of the sensor?

Response time, working temperature, and working humidity are 15s (90%), 0℃~50℃, and 0~95%RH(non-condensing), respectively.

How often does it need maintenance?

Prana Air CO2 Sensor has a zero-point calibration method. So there is no need for maintenance.

What are the possible sources of CO2 indoors?

The major source of indoor CO2 levels is respiration activity (we inhale oxygen and exhale CO2). Other sources include the ambient CO2 produced during the combustion of fuel which possibly enters indoors.

How does CO2 emission takes place in the ambient environment?

CO2 sources could be both natural and man-made. Natural sources include petroleum deposits, volcanic eruptions, etc. Man-made sources include smoking, combustion, burning of waste in the open, etc.

To what extent, carbon dioxide exposure is safe?

According to OSHA, the personal exposure limit is 5000 ppm (0.5% in air). No health effects are seen at this level, but when this level increases to 15000 ppm or 50000 ppm, it causes mild respiratory disorders, dizziness, increased blood pressure, heart rate, convulsions, loss of attention and in extreme conditions unconsciousness and possibly death.

How CO2 contributes towards climate change?

Carbon Dioxide is a Green House gas which traps the heat and keeps the earth warm. The increase in CO2 emissions, the earth’s energy budget is disturbed and this leads to additional trapping of heat which leads to increase in earth’s temperature.

What are the symptoms of carbon dioxide exposure?

The common symptoms of CO2 exposure are nausea, headache, breathing difficulty, cardiac arrhythmia, problems in vision and hearing, disturbance in memory.

Should I be concerned about the levels of this gas during sleep?

Yes. The bedtime CO2 level is also dangerous, especially when more than one person is occupying the room. This is because humans exhale CO2 and the concentration rises in a closed space. This can affect the restful sleep, impacts on neural activity. The levels are also seen to rise up to 2000-3000 ppm.

co sensor for research study

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